Week 1
Week 3
“We sense and produce the environment through the materiality of language, but being able to re-visit the detailed observations collected decades or even centuries ago guarantees a new perspective of the laborious knowledge construction process.”
“the current informational culture [is] one of light, marked by the weightlessness of fiber optics and the speed of digital transactions”, and yet “it is also one of weight – of minerals, metals, energy consumption, and entropy”
“The ontology of water has to do with the time evolution, contamination, mixing, fusion of materials and permanent recording memories. The water is transformation, metamorphosis, formal regeneration, articulation of life and death.” (Abernú 2013)
“emphasizes an ethics of the encounter that encourages more sensitivity to alternative (more-than-human) time scales and environmental futures: “When the ongoingness of life on Earth is threatened by climate disruption and ecological collapse, new forms of engagement with non-human beings become a matter of life or death."
Timeline of meteorology
Week 2
查资料会一直查到不想关但是很有趣的东西。感觉做一个 Internet Web 监测浏览路径的生成视觉也很有趣诶。
可能有用的想法:不同翻译之间的latent space是什么,透露出的内容差异和思维差异是什么,理解的“理解”?好有趣啊...
Week 4
2D Analyse + points / Flow field + OF
OCR (tesseract.js):
| o
f k i
S o
3 (?)
3D binaryImg overlay / Find points + min Spanning Tree / Planes / depth with FF + connection
o O O
v o
For Each Layer
Detailed tech plan:
Collected satellite videos (more clear one?)
Processing video : binary + gaussian blurry + threshold
Analyse points + connection (processed video frame)
Optical flow + 2D flow field (processed video or original one)
Video processing for moving image (hand-draw animation or genearted?如何统一风格!?)
3D depth
OCR detection (processed video frame / 2D)
- 单词排序 or 乱序?
Flipbook layout (binary.js)
Composite layers into 3D models
Week 5
CV + ofw + tracking
Original Video
Result with longer steps
Tracking with bg / shorter step
Strokes from the movements of clouds as dataset.
Generate words based on oracle bone script.
Possible presentation (interaction): Input - Chinese ; Output - Clouds words
Week 6
Digital Sky
3D environment
Origin Text (clouds):
made by ancient people
New generated clouds:
Interaction - talk to the clouds / speak to the program and form a new cloud
(e.g. 1 min / per cloud)
AS a response : What's the shape of the cloud? Based on content?
Text Clouds: moving and morphing and disappearing
Immersive Interaction:
Navigation? People in the clouds
(like secret garden through the time)
Go further... what is REAL Communication
Realtime Artificial Cloud Machine
Input: speech from audience (through web or onsite)
Output: change temperature (heat) or condition to create artificial cloud (or fog), then let it go to the sky
(Berndnaut Smilde / like scientific experiement :
Week 7 & 8
Process of Environment Changing
& Interaction
(old text: 50 pieces | enviro limit: 50 clouds)
Original: 30 pieces of clouds
Input: <=4 input, put in a same new cloud (record the time)
Maximum: 20 input clouds at the same time
Moving and changing: out of the box - back to text pool - supplement another one (Same type: original / new input)
Unfold Text Reference:
1. sky design find reference
2. the texture of clouds - not enough — try impression way of point cloud?
3. unfold text prob
4. set the environment size & cam rotation range
5. speech recognition
6. text resource - more meaningful?
7. installation - how to be 3d????
Waiting List:
1. wind movement - more scientific
2. when clouds get together (lightning e.g. text flashing)- raining - text falling down
3. speech input sending get/post
4. starting page
Week 9 & 10
Get & Post - connect to server
Speech Recognition - form a new cloud
Weather, somehow better than language to express / convey feelings
How we connect to the weather to share feelings.
Convey to strangers... Narrative
Machine sometimes can act as understanding us better than human being. Machine listening & Machine company - communication - What's the better communication?
What people says and feels can be saved in "clouds"
"I am..." Every sentence in one cloud. All acceptable
Digital sky - weather - rainy (different levels) / windy / sunny / lightning / cloudy (sounds)
Pass to another stranger
cloud visual - test 3d particles & lights
Week 11 & 12
Artwork Analysis:
Writing - CH:
Writing - EN: